". Breaking Free: The Path to $10,000 Monthly with Your Own Agency

Breaking Free: The Path to $10,000 Monthly with Your Own Agency


Embrace the Journey: Navigating the Emotional Cycle of Change

The truth is, you're not supposed to be able to make $100,000 plus a year as a 20-something year old. That was the reality until a few short years ago. But today, with an agency business, a six-figure income is the norm. This is the first time in history where you can break free from the traditional path and achieve financial freedom in your early 20s.

However, this newfound opportunity comes with its own set of challenges. The journey to success is not a straight line, but rather an emotional cycle that 95% of people fail to navigate successfully. In this blog, we'll explore the five stages of the emotional cycle of change and provide you with the mindsets and strategies to emerge victorious on the other side.

Stage 1: Uninformed Optimism

This is your starting point when you decide to embark on a new venture, such as starting an agency business. Everything feels amazing, and you're pumped to get started. You can already see yourself achieving financial freedom and time independence. This stage is characterized by a peak of optimism and positive emotional fulfillment, but it's also marked by a lack of understanding of the true challenges that lie ahead.

Stage 2: Informed Pessimism

As you start taking action and delving deeper into the details of your new venture, reality starts to set in. You realize that it's harder than you initially thought, and you become aware of all the things you don't know. This stage is marked by a growing sense of pessimism as you confront the challenges and complexities of achieving success.

Stage 3: The Valley of Despair

This is the most critical and dangerous stage of the cycle. Here, you reach the peak level of pessimism, and your mind starts to play tricks on you. Intrusive thoughts telling you to give up, questioning your capabilities, and blaming others for your lack of success start to take over. This is the stage where 95% of people fail, as they succumb to the overwhelming emotions and give up on their dreams.

Stage 4: Informed Optimism

For the few who manage to power through the valley of despair, they reach a stage of informed optimism. This is where your expectations become more aligned with reality, and you start to see small wins and glimpses of success. You know exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals, and you're confident in your ability to get there, even if it takes time and effort.

Stage 5: Success and Fulfillment

Finally, you reach the stage of success and fulfillment. You're running a successful agency, signing clients, and scaling your business. The hard work and perseverance have paid off, and you're reaping the rewards of your efforts.

The Nine Actionable Mindsets

To navigate the emotional cycle of change and emerge victorious, it's crucial to adopt the following nine actionable mindsets:

  1. You cannot skip stages. You must go through each stage of the cycle to achieve success.
  2. Confront your true self. Reflect on your thoughts, beliefs, and limiting factors holding you back.
  3. Look after yourself. Prioritize your physical and mental well-being to maintain resilience.
  4. Seek solitude and connect with like-minded people. Balance time for self-reflection and community support.
  5. Success is not entitled. You must put in the work and maximize your personal capacity.
  6. Adopt the scientist's mindset. Approach problems with a systematic, test-and-learn approach.
  7. No one is coming to help you. Your success is entirely dependent on your own input and effort.
  8. Embrace the valley of despair as a rite of passage. See it as a necessary step to build character and resilience.
  9. This experience is cyclical. Understand that you'll go through these stages repeatedly, but each time, you'll become more adept at navigating them.

Remember, the path to success is not easy, but it's worth it. By embracing the emotional cycle of change and adopting the right mindsets, you can break free from the failure cycle and achieve the financial freedom and time independence you desire. Stay committed, stay resilient, and watch as your agency business soars to new heights.

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